★★ Vintage 1978 Rolex GMT Master 1675, 16750 Pepsi Blue & Red Faded color Bezel Watch Insert Part ★★
Guaranteed 100% Original ROLEX Factory and in used but good condition.
For sale ROLEX VINTAGE 24H INSERT GMT 1675/0 from 1978.Superb overall condition but rather worn, discolored by time, the tone of each of them closer to the red near pink and faded dark blue foam ...A marine fragrance animates this inserts to really look very adventurous-raiders...
PEPSI faded color
Measures :
37.75mm outside diameter
Estimated years : ~1978
For Vintage serial model plexy glass GMT : 1675-16750-16753-16758
These will give more character, and look more explorer-adventurer on your old 1675 GMT ... difficult to find.