Bergeon 5409 Universal movement holder for hand fitting
BERGEON 5409 Universal movement holder and hand fitting.
The plate is engraved with circles to facilitate centring the movement on the rest rod.
This plate is sustained by a spring and adjusts to the required height automatically.
preowned condition
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Genuine watchmaker tool for sale : Bergeon 5409
The profesional Bergeon plate is engraved with circles to facilitate centring the movement & hands on the rest rod. Stamped BERGEON 5409 SWISS MADE ON SIDE This plate is sustained by a spring and adjusts to the required height automatically. Good cosmetical condition
BERGEON 5409 Universal movement holder and hand fitting.
The plate is engraved with circles to facilitate centring the movement on the rest rod.
This plate is sustained by a spring and adjusts to the required height automatically.
preowned condition